Sunday, November 6, 2011

Book List

A list of books I hope to read before next... hmm, June 11th.

Just a random date for now :)

1. Their Eyes Were Watching God- Zora Neale Hurston

2. To the Lighthouse- Virginia Woolf

3. The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath

4. Atlas Shrugged- Ayn Rand

5. Madame Bovary- Gustave Flaubert

6. Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte

7. The Delta of Venus- Anais Nin

8. A Good Man is Hard to Find (And Other Stories)- Flannery O'Connor

9. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings- Maya Angelou

10. Sophie's Choice- William Styron

11. Love in the Time of Cholera- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

12. The Things They Carried- Tim O'Brien

13. Crime and Punishment- Fyodor Dostoevsky

14. A Tale of Two Cities- Charles Dickens

15. Little Women- Louisa May Alcott (this one I've read, but it's my favorite Christmas-time book!)

In no particular order.

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