Monday, April 2, 2012

Homo Shit

Last week, I had a discussion with a group of students that became a bit of an ongoing conversation. It all started when one student named D~ used the term "faggot."

"No way, never ever do you say that word around me. Ever."
"Because it's incredibly offensive."
"It is??"
"Yeah, it's pretty awful..."
"I just don't get it. Why would a dude want to be with another dude?"
"Well, why do you want to be with a woman?"
*Class begins to tune in to discussion*
"Miss, you really want me to answer that?"
"Well no, but you know what I'm saying, right? It's just natural for you."
"Yeah. Plus, they soft!"
*Rest of the class tunes in*
"Okay, so it's natural for you to be attracted to women. Gay people feel the same way. It's just the way they are."
"But... it's wrong!"
"Why is it wrong?"
"Well... cause... two dudes can't have a baby."
"Oh, okay. That's a legitimate point. You're right. Have you had a baby?"
*Note: big risk... he very well could have been a father...*
"No way! I know how to wrap it up."
"Okay, but... you've had sex?"
"MISS!" (Indicating something along the lines of "Bitch, you trippin' if you think I've not tapped ALL the ladies..." or something to that effect)
"OH... so you've had sex with a man then?"
*Class explodes*
"Right, so we've established that sex is for more than just creating babies."

I left the classroom hoping this strapping young man (at least 6'4 tall) would not knife me at some point*. Over the next two days, the 16 students who were involved in this discussion managed to circulate the story to kids all over the school. "Yo Miss, did you really say that to D~?" "I heard you got a mouth!" "Some people thought you was too white to work here." "You know, Miss S, you a little ghetto."

Later in the week, D~ put his arm around me in the hallway. As I peered up at him in slight fear and fake confidence, he smiled down at me. "Yo Miss, you TWEAKIN' with that homo shit."

I bent over laughing as he walked away with a huge smile on his face. I'm tweakin', y'all.

*Note: I'm not actually afraid of this student at all. All of my students are wonderful, non-violent kids. Not once have I feared for my own safety in this environment... in fact, they are pretty fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. "you a little ghetto" that's my favorite. AND "you tweakin' with that homo shit"

    nice disclaimer!! :)
