Tuesday, June 12, 2012

And Thus It Begins...

The last few weeks have been relatively crazy, as you might be able to judge by my online absence as of late. I have secured a summer job, nailed a three part CPS interview, hosted a CouchSurfer, navigated a romantic landmine, saw a weird movie or two, watched the fireworks at Navy Pier, hung out at the Blues Festival, got really sunburned, procrastinated on packing up my apartment, actually packed up part of my apartment, planned a party for my brother, and spent copious amounts of time lying in front of my fan.

I'm moving myself and some of my things to Northwestern University tomorrow morning, to start 10 days of pretty intense staff training. I'll be an "Assistant Residential Coordinator" for the summer- basically supervising a staff of Resident Assistants (RAs) who in turn will be supervising high school students attending a summer program. These kids are apparently all "gifted and talented," so coordinating activities might get interesting. It's a rather intense summer job (my daily schedule is 7am-11pm, and I get a total of three days off between tomorrow and August 4th) but I think it is going to be fun.

This post is boring. I realize that... I just needed to put something new out there. One of my goals for the summer, aside from not dying, is to blog more often. That's the goal, at least

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