Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It is much easier than I anticipated, this whole becoming an adult thing. Aside from the money and the job search and the load of things to buy, getting an apartment is pretty easy.

Christian and Jane remain my move-in magicians. They are the hardest working, most efficient, loveliest moving buddies imaginable. We left Blissfield rather early this morning (not as early as planned, but eh...) and got to Chicago with just one rest stop visit and minimal-ish traffic. On a side note, I don't think the I-90 stretch from Portage to the Skyway will EVER be done. We ate lunch at Hyde Park Gyro and then walked back to the apartment, met my building manager, and saw the apartment.

Wait, not THE apartment. As of 12:30pm local time on August 16, 2011... MY apartment :)

The outside of the building

I'm in an apartment right off the corner of Hyde Park Boulevard and Kimbark Avenue in this incredible neighborhood I called home for a year. Driving in today was almost magical- I felt a sense of belonging... the kind you always hope to find. My avenue is a tree-lined little street that dead-ends to the Kimbark Shopping Plaza with a fantastic produce store and a gateway to the eclectic 53rd Street businesses. It's really an ideal location; within close proximity to grocery shopping, local businesses, and public transportation.

The apartment itself is on the third floor of the building, and it's a delightful little studio with more room than I anticipated. Yeah, I'll just go ahead and put some stock pictures in...

This is the view as you walk in the front door.

View from the back corner...

My fun-sized kitchen :)

Most of what I brought today was kitchen stuff and clothing- I have to move in stages for a few reasons. One, I have a lot of stuff. Loads and loads of stuff. When my grandma Mary passed away in 2008, I was lucky enough to get all of her glassware, cookware, and utensils... basically a kitchen. Secondly, I'm moving mostly in a car...

I spent the rest of the day taking a (long) trip to the WAY north side to get fingerprinted for my new job, unpacking, and making a trip to Chinatown for supper at THE BEST Chinese place I've ever been, Moon Palace. I've not been there for a year and I swear they recognized me.

I'll post more apartment stuff tomorrow. For now I'm just feeling incredibly blessed to be in such an awesome situation. Move-in part two coming on Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. i just discovered your new blog. I will read all your posts and then become an avid follower :) haha can't wait to hear about your new adventures!! and I can picture that building on kimbark. love it! AND i miss hyde park produce.
