Friday, January 13, 2012

Invincibility Day

Today is Friday. A day I have termed "Invincibility Day." I know that there are plenty of people in the world for whom a weekend does not begin on Friday afternoon. I understand that the people who staff the shops I frequent on the weekend are not enjoying a break. But for me, Friday is the last day of the workweek. Friday is a long way from the fresh start Mondays that crumble into the "No way can I do this four more times" Tuesdays. Friday is not Wednesday, the day of hope that this week WILL come to a close, that assurance that when you walk out of the door the week is not just halfway over- it is 3/5 of the way through! Friday is not Thursday, the most productive of all days, when you've finally settled into a routine and figured things out. No, Friday is Invincibility Day. Because when you're a teacher... you have to be invincible on Friday. Untouchable, unaffected, perfect, at the top of your game, ON.

The kids have been cooped up all week long. They are desperate for freedom with the anxiousness appropriate to a racehorse just before the starting gun. I swear I could see that evil maniacal gleam in the eyes of those sixth graders today. And they must wait, and wait, and wait. Because long ago, teachers decided that Friday is not an acceptable reason to scrap curriculum. Friday is not an excuse to take time off from learning. Friday is not the answer to a week of brain bending and mind melting questions and answers. Friday is a work day... and more often, Friday is an assessment day.

If only you knew, students. If only you knew that the only reason we are able to sustain such strength is because we are just sneakier about looking out the window with longing. If only you knew how glorious a movie day would be, how much fun it would be to have an all day reading party, how much work it took to talk ourselves out of bed before the sun came up. If only you knew. But you can't, because we're the teachers. We must be strong. We must be certain. We must be a leader. And because it's a Friday... we must be invincible.

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