Thursday, January 12, 2012


I went tonight to a lecture given by David J. Scheffer, of the Northwestern University School of Law. He was the U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues during the 8 years of the Clinton administration and senior adviser counsel to Madeline Albright during her term at the UN, and he has recently written a book.

I have read all kinds of things about war crimes and "atrocity" crimes, as he defines the various other crimes against humanity. I've watched documentaries and television shows, I've attended lectures and taken classes. I've been informed.

Friends, there is nothing that compares to sitting in a room and listening to the man who is both partially responsible for the U.S. decision not to intervene in places like Rwanda and Bosnia... and who carries that guilt daily. He has done incredible things in terms of convening international courts and bringing justice in the obscure rural areas forgotten by the international criminal community. He has been instrumental in the participation of our country in the creation of the International Criminal Court...

Truly an amazing man. Truly a depressing night.

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